Preach the hope of resurrection life with beautiful Easter sermons that call your people to hope in Jesus
Feel the love of the Father soak into your church as you focus on the finished work of Jesus
As Easter approaches, it feels like HOPE is more important than ever. That's why SermonCentral offers rock-solid series kits to help you preach the love of God through the life, death, and resurrection of His son.
Give your people the hope & comfort of God's promises through Messiah
Invite your community to a rare and special celebration of renewed life in a time of fear
Thank you for offering such a variety of services with PRO ... what a great value!
Glad Tidings Church
Start this 3-week series on Easter Sunday and help your church rediscover the power of the cross. They'll learn to walk in their resurrected identity and reach the world with the love of Christ!
You don't want your Easter season to feel empty and lifeless. Preach a fresh Easter series and get your church re-engaged and connected.
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Embrace God's resurrection power, approach Him with confidence, cultivate a deeper relationship with Him, and catch a passion for joining Him in this 3-sermon Holy Week Series.
The Easter Challenge begins during your Easter Sunday service (in-person or online) and takes your church through a different challenge each week, for 5 weeks. It's a 30-day challenge for families at home.
Preach a 6-week journey through Lent all about embracing life in Christ. Use this series in the weeks leading up to Easter Sunday.
In this 6-week sermon series, lead your church in the weeks leading up to Easter and prepare them to see how Jesus fulfilled God's promises. There's no better way to build excitement for Easter Sunday.
Starting on Easter Sunday, preach this 4-week series and discover how God’s amazing love transforms our past, present, and future.
Preach this 3-week sermon series beginning Palm Sunday, and walk toward the cross and the empty tomb together.
In this unique 4-week series, start two weeks before Easter Sunday and celebrate the resurrection with the third sermon of this series.
It wasn't the nails that held him there. It was His love for all humanity. This 4-week series is a perfect way to celebrate the power of the Easter passion.
We live with power to overcome any challenge. Preach this 4-week series and encourage your congregation with the power of the resurrection.
The empty tomb says there's still more to the story. Starting Easter Sunday, this 3-week series empowers your church with the reality of the resurrection.
Nothing is over until Jesus says it’s over. Preach this Easter Sunday sermon and proclaim that no matter how dark things may seem, there is always hope.
In this 4-week sermon series help your church understand the true meaning of Jesus' journey to the Cross and Resurrection from the dead.
Preach this 8-week sermon series for Lent and lead your congregation to reflect on the power of repentance and grace.
Preach this 8-week sermon series for Lent and lead your congregation to reflect on the power of repentance and grace.
Preach this 9-week sermon series leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.
Preach this 4-week sermon series beginning Easter Sunday, and encourage your church with the life-changing truth and power of the resurrection story.
Preach this sermon on Easter Sunday and let your congregation witness how Easter changes everything through the resurrection of Christ.